Textbook List
Hi, my name is Greg, and I am from California. I have been a teacher for 25 years with elementary, middle and high school students. I have taught in a variety of environments including public school classroom, charter school intervention, online and ESL classes. I truly believe in helping students discover their passions. When a student discovers their passion, it makes their learning more meaningful. I believe in getting to know students' individual strengths, growth opportunities, and interests. This helps me to read books with your child that they will be engaged with and will want to read. Once students discover the power of reading, they unlock the doors of opportunity to engage more fully in the world around us. I look forward to reading with your child.
Class Schedules
Dive deep into books through engaging debates and unleash your critical thinking with friends!
Feb 8 - Mar 1
- Schedule Sat 11:30 PM
- grade 7 - 8
- Lesson 4
- Learning 80 mins
- Learners 3 - 6
- Admission Test required
$ 330 ~
$ 165.0 ~