교재 목록
Greetings, I'm Bookmaster Michael, and I love reading and writing, and if I do my job successfully, you will love reading and writing as much as I do. I've taught Latin, French, Social Studies, and English. I can teach you to both understand what you read better and enjoy it more, and to write clearly, concisely, and even beautifully. We'll discuss what words mean, where they come from, and how to put them together. I won't tell you *what* to think, but rather *how* to think - that is, critically. I'll ask you lots of questions and respect your answers and hope they will lead to realizations. I'll listen to your observations and opinions because I hope I will learn as much from you as you do from me. I grew up on the East Coast and I live there now, but I was in California for twenty-seven years. I've worked in libraries for a long time, so I marvel at what they hold, and I encourage everyone to learn how to use them, and use them, as much as possible, whether in person or online. I make a lot of jokes, but they'll be relevant to the work we are doing in class - and I'll let you do so, too. Because I want learning to feel like fun. I look forward to working with you, but in a way that won't feel like work - for any of us!
수업 일정
7,8학년 커리큘럼은 학생의 비판적 사고력과 전반적인 이해력 향상을 돕도록 설계했습니다. 고학년들은 대학 입시 준비를 위해 높은 수준의 세련된 언어로 구성된 문학 작품을 익히고 습득합니다.
01월 9일 - 02월 27일
- 일정 목요일 2:00 AM
- 학년 7 - 8
- 수업횟수 8
- 학습 80 분
- 학습자 3 - 6 명
- 입학시험 required
$ 165.0 ~
2회 결제